Monday, April 26, 2010

Nice People are Cool.

I stayed home sick today. It was boring and unpleasant and I hate being sick.

In other news, my mom went to Montana on a business trip. I went with her last year because it was in July, but I couldn't this time. I wish I could though cause I LOVED it there. It was really pretty and everything smelled good, and the people there were really nice.

I remember the cab driver who drove us to our hotel at like 4 in the morning because our flight was delayed from Denver. He looked like a crazy hobo, and had this scary scowl on his face the whole time, but he was so nice and polite. He put our bags in the trunk and then carried them to the lobby for us. When we went to New York, the cabs drivers just popped the trunk and frowned at you, like it was OUR fault they were driving around tourists for a living.
The lady at the hotel was nice too, she PAID our cab fair! She didn't have to, but she did, and when my mom protested she was just like, "oh we always do that silly!"

I wish people acted like that around here, it would make life so much more pleasant.

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