Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Many Faces of Felines.

I have three cats. I feel like I'm kind of an expert on cat behavior because I've had cats since my baby-times. (Seriously, we got our first cat when I was less than a year old).

Cats are very pretentious and uppity animals. They're loving and sweet, and terrifying and vicious. They're a smorgasbord of attitudes.

My cat Sally is a prime example of this. She is getting u
p there in age, and so more and more grumpy more and more often. However, she has been a horrible little cat for the 10+ years we've had her. We rescued all of our cats and one dog, and with many rescue animals, they have some... psychological issues. Sally is bi-polar. Often times, she will come up to you and snuggle and rub up on you, purring all the while; the next minute she could be biting you face, or kicking you with her hind claws (she was declawed at the shelter, bu
t only in the front). She used to bite my mom's nose constantly.

Cute and cuddly one minute...

Death stare the next.

These mood swings happen in a matter of seconds. I've learned how to judge when she's about to strike, but I still must tell visitors that they need to be careful when petting her, because she bites. I've heard my mom tell her friend, "Hey, you shouldn't pet her, she's a vicious little bitch."

I love my cats, violent mood swings and all. And I wouldn't want them to leave or have something unfortunate happen to them. But sometimes, I just wish there was some kind of procedure or something to make them not be so disturbed.

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