Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Naps are going to kill me.

I hate them because once you take one you can't sleep at night. And I love them because it's beautiful beautiful sleep.

I took a nap today from 5 to 9. Now I can't sleep for shit, and being sick, that's kind of an essential thing to the whole "getting better" thing.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Nice People are Cool.

I stayed home sick today. It was boring and unpleasant and I hate being sick.

In other news, my mom went to Montana on a business trip. I went with her last year because it was in July, but I couldn't this time. I wish I could though cause I LOVED it there. It was really pretty and everything smelled good, and the people there were really nice.

I remember the cab driver who drove us to our hotel at like 4 in the morning because our flight was delayed from Denver. He looked like a crazy hobo, and had this scary scowl on his face the whole time, but he was so nice and polite. He put our bags in the trunk and then carried them to the lobby for us. When we went to New York, the cabs drivers just popped the trunk and frowned at you, like it was OUR fault they were driving around tourists for a living.
The lady at the hotel was nice too, she PAID our cab fair! She didn't have to, but she did, and when my mom protested she was just like, "oh we always do that silly!"

I wish people acted like that around here, it would make life so much more pleasant.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Violence on TV

The thing about Spike Tv is that it's geared towards men. You can usually tell this with television by looking at the commercials--
Spike : cars, deodorant, beer, off road vehicles, hot girls.
Lifetime :

Knowing this, I know that I probably wont like most of these shows according to the stereotype. However, I think I take different things out of their shows than most men do. For example, Deadliest Warrior. I'm guessing that most men watch this show to see the blood and guts and guns and swords and violence. I watch for the same things, but it different ways. A lot of the episodes have historical warriors in them, which is very interesting. War has been a very big factor in human history. Whole civilizations were completely based on war.

It's very interesting seeing the different war tools used by cultures and people that would never have met in the real world.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

And it's still not over.

Today I got my Prom dress fitted.

I have to say, it's gonna be the most flippin' awesome prom dress ever.

I also had a school art show, which was boring.

And I am also sick.

My sickness includes; ear infection, runny nose, sinus headache, other ear is hurting, jaw hurts, back hurts, and eating food kind of makes me want to throw up.

Fun times.

It was a really really long day.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bad Boys Bad Boys...

I love cop shows. The real ones, not the ones with actors. Hot Pursuit is probably my favorite, but I also like Cops, Shootout, and Most Daring.

I'm sure there's some interesting psychological reason why I enjoy watching these shows, but I don't know what it is.

I just like watching the stupid criminals get caught, or the badass cops take them down. Its exciting.

Take that MOFO.

So yea. Cop shows are good stuff.

Worlds Dumbest Criminals is also hilarious. Just watching B and C list celebrities look at videos and then talking about them is funny.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Many Faces of Felines.

I have three cats. I feel like I'm kind of an expert on cat behavior because I've had cats since my baby-times. (Seriously, we got our first cat when I was less than a year old).

Cats are very pretentious and uppity animals. They're loving and sweet, and terrifying and vicious. They're a smorgasbord of attitudes.

My cat Sally is a prime example of this. She is getting u
p there in age, and so more and more grumpy more and more often. However, she has been a horrible little cat for the 10+ years we've had her. We rescued all of our cats and one dog, and with many rescue animals, they have some... psychological issues. Sally is bi-polar. Often times, she will come up to you and snuggle and rub up on you, purring all the while; the next minute she could be biting you face, or kicking you with her hind claws (she was declawed at the shelter, bu
t only in the front). She used to bite my mom's nose constantly.

Cute and cuddly one minute...

Death stare the next.

These mood swings happen in a matter of seconds. I've learned how to judge when she's about to strike, but I still must tell visitors that they need to be careful when petting her, because she bites. I've heard my mom tell her friend, "Hey, you shouldn't pet her, she's a vicious little bitch."

I love my cats, violent mood swings and all. And I wouldn't want them to leave or have something unfortunate happen to them. But sometimes, I just wish there was some kind of procedure or something to make them not be so disturbed.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lucida Grand... Mofo

I've always wondered how the names of fonts are created. I could easily find this information thanks to the wonder of the Internet; but I feel like it would ruin the mystery. Like, the reasons I can imagine are better than the facts.

This happens often to me. Like, when I was younger, I wondered how patterned table cloths were made. The fabric ones, not the vinyl ones. I thought that someone would just take a sheet and paint the design on. I would imagine some older women (always women, is that sexist? Another day perhaps) gathered around a table with a white cloth on it, paint brushes in hand, just making beautiful flowers or patterns or whatever with dye.

Of course, when I was a tad older, I asked my mom. She told me to look it up online. I did. It turns out, that most patterned cloths these days are made in factories. On gigantic looms. I'm pretty sure that no one has ever just painted pictures on cloth.

Dreams, dead.

So, I'm not looking up how font names are created, cause it will end up that it's just like, "oh this guy a long time ago was named Verdana, and he wrote like this. The End."
Instead of being like in my head where computers look at the fonts and are like, being all fancy and computer-y and then some guy comes and is like "NAME BITCH" and the computer is like "LUCIDA GRAND MOFO."